Personlig side til Hege Grindem
Detaljer om forsker: Hege Grindem
Hege Grindem
Hege Grindem er utdannet fysioterapeut ved Høgskolen i Oslo (2006), og har en mastergrad i idrettsfysioterapi fra Norges Idrettshøgskole (2009). Hun har en stor interesse for fotball og for skader innen fotballen. Som masterstudent undersøkte hun sammenhengen mellom fotballferdighet og skadeforekomst hos unge kvinnelige fotballspillere.
Hege har jobbet som fysioterapeut i privat praksis og har vært fysioterapeut for lag i elite kvinnefotball. Hun har selv bakgrunn som fotballspiller på elitenivå.
Fra 2010 er Hege stipendiat på Norsk Forskningssenter for Aktiv Rehabilitering.
Skadeforebygging i ungdomsidrett med en tverrfaglig og teoribasert tilnærming
Prosjektleder: Hege Grindem
Retur til idrett og knefunksjon etter fremre korsbåndoperasjon
Prosjektleder: Hege Grindem
Bedre og tryggere retur til idrett etter fremre korsbåndrekonstruksjon (BEAST)
Prosjektleder: Hege Grindem
Fotballferdighet og skaderisiko blant unge fotballspillere
Prosjektleder: Hege Grindem
Rehabilitation, Decision-Making, and Return to Pivoting Sports in Athletes 1–3 Years After ACL Reconstruction: A Nationwide Study
Kooy Tveiten, Caroline E v.W; Bache-Mathiesen, Lena Kristin; Jakobsen, Rune B; Engebretsen, Lars; Persson, Andreas; Myklebust, Grethe; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Grindem, Hege
JOSPT Open 2024. Advance publication: doi/10.2519/josptopen.2024.0087 (Online ahead of print)
Exploring the interplay of interpersonal and contextual dynamics in youth sports injuries: a comprehensive narrative review
Thue Bjørndal, Christian; Hausken-Sutter, Solveig; Møller, Meret; Myklebust, Grethe; Grindem, Hege
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2024 Jul 16;10(3):e001964.
Readiness for return to sport in non-surgically treated patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury following a public municipal rehabilitation program
Pedersen, Julie R; Hansen, Steffan H; Grindem, Hege; Jepsen, Anni P; Thorlund, Jonas B
Physical Therapy in Sport 2022:53:7-13
Association of Quadriceps Strength Symmetry and Surgical Status With Clinical Osteoarthritis Five Years After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture
Arhos, Elanna K; Thoma, Louise M; Grindem, Hege; Logerstedt, David; Risberg, May Arna; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn
Arthritis Care & Research 2022:74(3):386-391
Cross-validation of a machine learning algorithm that determines anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation status and evaluation of its ability to predict future injury
Richter, Chris; Petushek, Erich; Grindem, Hege; Franklyn-Miller, Andrew; Bahr, Roald; Krosshaug, Tron
Sports Biomech. 2021 Jul 29;1-11. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1947358. Online ahead of print
Low Rates of Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis 5 Years After ACL Reconstruction or Rehabilitation Alone: The Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Study
Pedersen, Marie; Grindem, Hege; Berg, Bjørnar; Gunderson, Ragnhild; Engebretsen, Lars; Axe, Michael J; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Risberg, May Arna
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2021: 9(8)
Assessing implementation, limited efficacy, and acceptability of the BEAST tool: A rehabilitation and return-to-sport decision tool for nonprofessional athletes with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Moksnes, Håvard; Ardern, Clare L; Kvist, Joanna; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, May Arna; Myklebust, Grethe; Grindem, Hege
Physical Therapy in Sports 2021:52:147-154
Clinical, Functional, and Physical Activity Outcomes 5 Years Following the Treatment Algorithm of the Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Study
Pedersen, Marie; Grindem, Hege; Johnson, Jessica L; Engebretsen, Lars; Axe, Michael J; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Risberg, May Arna
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2021:103(16):1473-1481
Evidence Too Weak to Guide Surgical Treatment Decisions for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Systematic Review of the Risk of New Meniscal Tears After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
Ekås, Guri Ranum; Ardern, Clare L; Grindem, Hege; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:54(9):520–527
Activity and functional readiness, not age, are the critical factors for second anterior cruciate ligament injury — the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study
Grindem, Hege; Engebretsen, Lars; Axe, Michael; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Risberg, May Arna
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:Feb 11th (Epub ahead of print)
Knee pathology in young adults after paediatric ACL injury - a prospective case series of 47 patients with a mean 9.5-yr follow-up
Ekås, Guri Ranum; Laane, Marit Mjelde; Larmo, Arne; Moksnes, Håvard; Grindem, Hege; Risberg, May Arna; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2019 Jun;47(7):1557-1566
2018 International Olympic Committee Consensus statement on prevention, diagnosis, and management of pediatric anterior cruciate ligament injuries
Ardern, Claire; Ekås, Guri; Grindem, Hege; Moksnes, Håvard; Anderson, AF; Chotel, F; Cohen, Michael; Forssblad, Michael; Ganley, TJ; Feller, JA; Karlsson, Jon; Kocher, MS; LaPrade, RF; McNamee, M; Mandelbaum, Bent; Micheli, L; Mohtadi, Nicholas; Reider, Bruce; Roe, JP; Seil, Romain; Siebold, R; Silvers-Granelli, Holly; Soligard, Torbjørn; Witvrouw, Eric; Engebretsen, Lars
Orthop J Sports Med 2018:21:6(3):2325967118759953
New meniscal tears after ACL injury: what is the risk? A systematic review protocol
Ekås, Guri Ranum; Ardern, Claire; Grindem, Hege; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:52(6):386
How does a combined preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation programme influence the outcome of ACL reconstruction 2 years after surgery? A comparison between patients in the Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort and the Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry
Grindem, Hege; Granan, Lars-Petter; Risberg, May-Arna; Engebretsen, Lars; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Eitzen, Ingrid
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:49(6):385-389
Self-reported knee function can identify athletes who fail return-to-activity criteria up to 1 year after ACL reconstruction: a Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study
Logerstedt, David; Di Stasi, Stephanie; Grindem, Hege; Lynch, Andrew: Eitzen, Ingrid; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, MAy Arna; Axe, Michael J; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn
Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy 2014:44(12):914-923
Are skilled players at greater risk of injury in female youth football players
Soligard, Torbjørn; Grindem, Hege; Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:44(15):1118-1123