Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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Personal page of Tron Krosshaug

Details about researcher: Tron Krosshaug

Portrait of Tron Krosshaug

Tron Krosshaug



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Tron Krosshaug (born 1973) has been employed at the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center since 2001.
Krosshaug is a professor at the Department of Sports Medicine, NIH, where he is the main responsible for biomechanical research at the OSTRC. His primary focus is biomechanical research on injury mechanisms, biomechanical risk factors, and methods to prevent anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. In addition, he works on biomechanical research related to strength training exercises, including exercises relevant to the prevention of knee, groin, and hamstring injuries. Through his company  Muscle Animations , Krosshaug creates animation-based educational material to disseminate this knowledge and raise awareness among professional groups who use strength training exercises in their work. Other key research areas include video analysis of knee, ankle, and head injuries in ball/team sports and alpine skiing. Krosshaug is also the head of the bachelor’s program in "Training, Health, and Performance."

