Information about a piece of news titled 3.9 million NOK to Team Skadefri from Sparebankstiftelsen DNB
3.9 million NOK to Team Skadefri from Sparebankstiftelsen DNB
Team Skadefri, which is a part of the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, has received 3.9 million Norwegian Kroner from Sparebankstiftelsen DNB for further development of the project "Prep to be Pro" (Norwegian; “Nærmere Best”).

"Prep to be Pro" is an educational tool tailored for elite sports high schools and sports youth schools. This is a free offering that sports schools have the opportunity to utilize if they wish.
The background for the development of "Prep to be Pro" is, among other things, based on Christine Holm Moseid's Phd-l thesis, which revealed that at any given time, 43% of students at elite sports high schools had some form of injury or illness. Additionally, 25% were injured to the extent that they couldn't participate in training or competition.
"Prep to be Pro" consists of several different modules: 6 modules for elite sports schools and 4 modules for sports youth schools. The modules include topics such as, how to plan your Training, Recovery, Sports Nutrition, Load Management, and more.
Hege Heiestad, who is taking her PhD on the project, says: "The goal is for it to be a comprehensive program that covers the entire complex field related to preventing illness and injuries. This is a unique offer for the schools and coaches at the various sports schools."
The long-term goal is for all sports-schools across the country to be able to utilize "Prep to be Pro," either the entire educational tool or specific modules it offers.