Informasjon om en nyhet med tittelen COVID-19 lockdown and impact on injuries in professional football - ny artikkel publisert
COVID-19 lockdown and impact on injuries in professional football - ny artikkel publisert
Artikkelen "Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on injury risk in Qatar's professional football" ble nylig publisert i tidsskriftet Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, med bidrag til artikkelen fra OSTRC's Lena-Kristin Bache-Mathiesen og Roald Bahr.

Målet med artikkelen var: "To compare injury incidence, burden and characteristics between the pre- and post-COVID-19 lockdown periods in Qatari professional football".
Studien representerer et naturlig eksperiment forårsaket av COVID-19-pandemien, som tillot forskerne å undersøke potensielle effekter av plutselige, betydelige endringer i trenings- og kampbelastning på skaderisikoen i profesjonell fotball.
Artikkelen konkluderer med at: "Immediately after the COVID-19 lockdown (short-term effect), there was no difference in injury incidence, but a lower injury burden compared to benchmark. Moreover, the rapid return to competition for the successive season (long-term effect) was associated with a higher overall- and training-injury burden, but a lower match-injury burden compared to the benchmark".
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