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Information about a piece of news titled Now available - final program for the 2014 IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport

Now available - final program for the 2014 IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport


Experts across the world will soon convene in Monaco for the 4th IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport. The final program is now available.

Looking beyond injuries and illnesses, the Conference, set to take place from 10 to 12 April in Monaco, will explore risk factors, mechanisms and effective prevention strategies to ensure that athletes are fit and healthy, in and out of competition.


Roald Bahr (picture), professor at the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, adds:


“The Conference will feature one highlight after the other, starting with the dynamic duo of Prof Dohmnall Macauley and Prof Karim Khan, [BMJ/BJSM editors] discussing the latest progress in injury prevention, and ending with a session on how advances in equipment and technology can help prevent injury.”




We are happy to announce that the final program, including all abstracts is now available! 





As a warm-up, read the IOC special edition of the British Journal of Sports Medicine Injury Prevention & Health Protection.



You will find all 307 abstracts (oral presentations + posters) in this issue.



Visit the official Conference website for more information and the complete program at: www.ioc-preventionconference.org/