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Life after injury


The injury has occurred and an operation is being considered. The patient awaits anxiously; what happens next? You’ll get the answer at the Orthopedic Autumn Meet.

In Norway there are many skilled orthopedic surgeons. They are really good at just that; surgery. But what happens before the lights are turned on in the OR and the surgeon is ready to cut?


An entire symposium (“What to do with major knee ligament injuries”) is dedicated to this question at the Orthopedic Autumn Meet, being held in Oslo from Oct. 25th until Oct. 28th. The aim is to give orthopedics an increased insight into surgical options, and the rehabilitation of the patient.


The A Team

Professor Lars Engebretsen opens the symposium with a lecture on cutting edge surgical treatment of knee ligament injuries.


Professor Engebretsen has a solid standing in the field of orthopedics and vast experience as a surgeon.



He holds a number of the positions related to the field.


Read more about Professor Engebretsen here.


Next in line is Professor May Arna Risberg, in the capacity of being the chairman of NAR (Norwegian Research Center for Active Rehabilitation).



With a long background in research and physical therapy she has both practical and theoretical experience in getting people “back on their feet”.


Her lecture will present the research and the documentation on which methods of rehabilitation that actually works.


Read more about Professor Risberg here.


To complete this symposium the spotlight turns to the patient in rehabilitation. How do you set up the right rehab schedule for the individual patient? Which challenges must a physical therapist be prepared to meet?


To give an answer to these questions PT and PhD student Håvard Moksnes of NAR steps up to the rostrum.


Moksnes is one of the most renowned experts in Norway treating patients with knee ligament injuries.



Read more about Håvard Moksnes here.


Different needs and challenges

Among the wide range of interesting and important topics at Orthopedic Autumn Meet we find the arthroscopy associations “Children with knee injuries”. The aim here is obviously to raise awareness and increase competence on treating children with knee injuries.


Knee injuries in children are luckily a rare event, but they do happen and needs different treatment than adults with knee injuries. Since there are few knee injuries among children, and even fewer surgeries done, there are only but a few that have acquired a broad experience


There is definitely room for increased knowledge in the field, and Professor Engebretsen and PhD student Håvard Moksnes will between them hold three lectures during this symposium.