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Information about a piece of news titled AJSM review award 2008 won by Britt Elin Øiestad (UPDATED)

AJSM review award 2008 won by Britt Elin Øiestad (UPDATED)


The article "Knee osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament injury -A systematic review-" was elected winner of the systematic review award in The American Journal of Sports Medicine systematic review competition 2008.

This systematic review evaluates articles that investigate the prevalence of osteoarthritis (OA) measured with X-ray more than 10 years after an ACL injury. The article gives an overview of the reliability of the different methods used to assess X-ray images. The results from the high-quality studies shows 0-13% OA for patients with an isolated ACL injury. Patients with combined ACL and meniscus injury had a prevalence of 21-48%. Meniscus injury was frequently reported as the single most important risk factor for development of OA. The study furthermore concludes that there exist only few studies with satisfactory methodological quality.


The first author of this article was Britt Elin Øiestad, PT, Ph.D-student at The Norwegian research center for Active Rehabilitation (NAR). Co-authors were Lars Engebretsen, Kjersti Storheim and May Arna Risberg. The co-authors have connections the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, NAR, Hjelp24 NIMI, and the Ortopedic Center Ullevaal University Hospital.


The research price of USD 5000 will be officially awarded at the AOSSM Annual Meeting in Keystone, CO, USA in July.


Read the article here


Read Bruce Reiders editorial in AJSM here

